Dr Valmana Anton

Dr Valmana Anton

  • 2 recommendations

About Dr Valmana Anton

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  • English
  • Basque
  • Español

Recommendations on the doctor Valmana Anton

Elena – 25 January 2017 :

Very good doctor. I too met him at Red Deer Hospital when I was going through a very dark time in my life.
He is strict and "no bs" type of person, so may not work for everyone. But I appreciate his bluntness and straightforwardness. He certainly made a difference in my recovery.

Mariana – 10 January 2014 :

I met him in Red Deer hospital , in a very difficult period of my life At that time I felt like he saved my life . I was diagnosed with high level depression ,I had suicidal toughs .He was very kind and gentle and his accent was awesome .After some days I started to feel better ,I was more confident and I started to think positive about me . He told me many times ...you are a strong person ...I trusted him ...for me was a good experience to met him...he saved my life !!!!

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