Dr Salih Emad Ahmed Ali
- 2 recommendations
Primary address
666 5 ST SW
Medicine Hat T1A 4H6
See on the map Phone :
(403) 528-8121Fax:
(403) 529-8020
About Dr Salih Emad Ahmed Ali
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Recommendations on the doctor Salih Emad Ahmed Ali
Dr. Salih has been helping me with my pain management for several years now. I can say without a doubt he has literally given me my life back. Very compassionate and understanding. Takes his time and does not rush thru his appointments nor procedures. If I need a break he gives me the time to regroup. Thankful we have him as a doctor in Medicine Hat.
Wonderful doctor. Very caring and knowledgable and honest when it was very difficult to share those facts with the family. Has a tough job that must not have a lot of positive outcomes and deals with it gracefully.
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