Dr Korzan Jeffrey Ronald
- 2 recommendations
Primary address
41-8440 112 ST NW
Edmonton T6G 2B7
See on the map Phone :
(780) 407-6810
About Dr Korzan Jeffrey Ronald
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Recommendations on the doctor Korzan Jeffrey Ronald
I saw Dr. Korzan today for my intra articular injection of my hip today. I can honestly say I've, in my healthcare journey, I have never met anyone this compassionate and caring! I also learned more from him in 20 minutes than in the last 10 years, and I am waiting for a hip replacement right now, and I'm not yet 40. How wonderful to know that incredible doctors are there for us as an angel when we need them! So grateful!
I have had many cortisone injections for OA in my hand.
Dr.Korzan has, by far, given me the most successful injection. Injection in Feb. is just wearing off . This has never happened before. He was very caring and professional. I would very much prefer for him to do all of my injections. Thank you Dr.Korzan.
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