Dr Hancock Michael E.
- 1 recommendation
Primary address
6915 109 ST NW
Edmonton T6H 3B7
See on the map Phone :
(780) 433-7211
About Dr Hancock Michael E.
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Recommendations on the doctor Hancock Michael E.
I have known Dr Michael Hancock for several decades, during which time he has been my physician of choice. In my opinion, he is the ultimate doctor-gentleman, a human being whose existence enriches mankind. Very big words - yet true. During these decades, he saved lives of several people very close to me and whose company I cherish because they are my friends - and I’d rather go first than attend their funerals. Extremely thorough in his routine, not only was Dr Hancock able to give correct diagnoses, he also made sure that the patients were quickly taken care of. When discovered early, cancer is curable and, as I said, there are quite a few people around who will attribute their survival to Dr Hancock’s professional routine and instinct (I have always said that great professionals must have intuition as well as learned skills). Although my case was not as dramatic as the ones I have so far spoken, I still probably owe an awful lot to Dr Hancock for he decided I should take several tests, one of which discovered cancerous cysts. I underwent treatment almost instantly and am now a healthy and very happy camper, all thanks to his immaculate attitude and approach. As a human being, Dr Michael Hancock is politeness and (English) charm incarnated. To me each visit at his office is a great learning experience because every time I see him, I learn something new about life, its challenges but also joys, about how to keep becoming a better person. In other words, I owe Dr Hancock an immense debt and I feel nothing but admiration, gratitude and friendship towards him. Additionally, his very warm, humane sense of humour is fantastic - I consider him a sage whose absolutely good nature manifests itself inequivocally in everything he does. Yes, sometimes he is late for his early appointments, but with two little children under his fatherly wings who would hold it against him?
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