Dr Cloete Pieter De Jager
- 2 recommendations
Primary address
Sherwood Park T8A 4E3
See on the map Phone :
(780) 467-3244Fax:
(780) 464-9044
About Dr Cloete Pieter De Jager
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Recommendations on the doctor Cloete Pieter De Jager
Dr. Cloete is the best!! He treats me with respect. I am so thankful I have known him for over 20 years. I will not go to any other doctor. When I've needed to see a specialist he's always wanted to send me to the best! I honestly can't thank him enough.
Without question the best Dr I have ever had.!!!
Thorough and caring... leaves no stone unturned .
Explains things in a way that are easy to understand.
10 +
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