Dr Berhe Tzeggai
- 3 recommendations
Primary address
600-10014 99 ST
Grande Prairie T8V 3N4
See on the map Phone :
(780) 538-5160Fax:
(780) 538-6279
About Dr Berhe Tzeggai
More information about the doctor.
Recommendations on the doctor Berhe Tzeggai
Cool person,
Caring person,
Respectful person,
A beautiful human being who even cares for his plants, I have never felt in a doctors‘ office this relaxed before, I just admired the plants when Ingot nervous. I even forgot about my anxieties over tCOVID 19, at least for a while. Thank You Dr Behre
Recommended, nonjudgmental, patient, easy to talk to, helped me and my family a lot :)
Got mania during my travel to Canada, helped me a lot with no charge, wrote a letter in German for me at no charge. Wonderful Doctor, Thank you.
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